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The progress report should be written by the grant recipient of the demonstration grant and sent to Tillväxtverket: The progress report should provide an overview of implementation and performance of the demonstration project.

Email:  Startsida · English · Demo Environment Programme; Grants for Planning activities. Företag · Regioner · Andra aktörer · EU-program. Open/Close. Övre Norrland Watersprint received funding from Demo Environment to explore the market in Bolivia for their water purification technology, Watersprint Purify Go Unit. The grant  Contact Demo Environment Programme. Please contact us if you E-mail: Address.

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Sweden Min ansökan. I e-tjänsten Min ansökan kan du söka följande stöd: Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden, projektmedel, kommersiell service, transportbidrag, innovation, stöd till investeringar och företagsutveckling. Har din organisation redan blivit beviljad stöd kan du ansöka om utbetalningar i Min ansökan. Tillväxtverket jobbar löpande på att förtydliga förutsättningarna och svara på frågor om stödet.

JAVNI POZIV za upis u Registar volontera Federalne uprave civilne zaštite 26.04.2017 Federalna uprava civilne zaštite (FUCZ) je, u sklopu aktivnosti na smanjenju rizika od katastrofa, 2016. godine pokrenula Projekat uspostavljanja mreže volontera u slučaju prirodnih i drugih nesreća. However, a partnership may not submit applications for both grants during a single call for applications.


Demo Environment. Final. report – Demonstration project.

Demoenvironment tillväxtverket

2. Grants for project preparation. The program runs until 2018. Two calls are made each year from 2016 to 2018. The next call is open aug/sept 2017. The Demo Environment Program is financed by The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida), and has been managed by The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket

Demoenvironment tillväxtverket

Demo Environment is a programme that aims to promote sustainability and reduce poverty by developing partnerships and knowledge about new and innovative technical solutions. There are two rounds of calls for applications each year. The first call opens on December 14th 2015 and closes on 18th March 2016. Tillväxtverket can fund up to 50 percent of your invoiced equipment costs and up to 80 percent of your invoiced costs for services. The remaining 50 percent and 20 percent, respectively, must come from co-financing from the applicant or other private or public sources such as an international organisation or a public institution. Tillväxtverket apr 2011 – jan 2013 1 år 10 månader.

Demoenvironment tillväxtverket

The remaining 50 percent and 20 percent, respectively, must come from co-financing from the applicant or other private or public sources such as an international organisation or a public institution.
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Cohesion policy and funds. Open/Close.

Demo Environment is able to fund projects in 11 of Sida’s partner countries: Africa: Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia Western Balkans: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia Eastern Europe: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Read about Demo environment project Watersprint, that applied for and received a grant to explore the possiblities for their water prification technology in Bolivia. Rasar över Tillväxtverkets nya besked om utdelningar: ”En bomb”. Tillväxtverket drar åt tumskruvarna: Vinster med koppling till det räkenskapsår ett företag fått korttidsstöd ska ”som regel inte” delas ut.
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However, a partnership may not submit applications for both grants during a single call for applications. The Demo Environment programme is financed by The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida), and has been managed by The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) since 2007.

Tillväxtverkets definitions of the three cross-cutting issues central to the Demo Environment programme: Environment and Climate. Tillväxtverket är en statlig myndighet under Näringsdepartementet.