Kiwano eller horngurka (Cucumis metuliferus) är en art i familjen gurkväxter från tropiska Afrika. Den kallas på engelska ibland även "African Horned Cucumber" 


Hur man planterar Kiwano meloner Kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus) är en vinranka i familjen melon. Det producerar en frukt med horn som kan nå en diameter på 

Växt frön på ett djup av ½ till 1 tum, i grupper om två eller tre frön. Tillåt minst 18 tum mellan  Kiwanon som på engelska går efter namnet Horned Melon är en gurkväxt som kommer ifrån Afrika och under den torra perioden i  Horned Melon. Också känt som "kiwano melon", detta avlånga exemplar är ljust orange och gult och inneslutet i ett skal som är besatt med spetsiga, vassa horn. The horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus), also called African horned jelly melon, hedged gourd, English tomato, melano, or kiwano, is an  Jag odlade fram tre fina plantor men dessvärre blev det inga meloner. I kombination Horned melon, Hornmelon eller Kiwano. En sort som  RÅGO är i bali och har hittat en cool frukt vid namn grön Kiwano.i denna video visat vi hur How to Save Kiwano gurka, kiwano, afrikansk gurka (Cucumis metulifer [3] E. Mey. Ex Naud.) - en gurkaart.

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The kiwano can become a fresh Il Kiwano, conosciuto anche come melone cornuto o cetriolo africano, è un frutto nativo della regione del deserto del Kalahari. Se raccolto ancora verde, e lasciato maturare, assume un sapore simile a quello del cetriolo e a quello del kiwi. Raccolto invece nel momento della piena maturazione, ha un sapore molto simile a quello della banana. Foto handla om Kiwano melon ((Cucumismetuliferusen) afrikansk Horned melon på en vit bakgrund. Bild av kiwano, cucumismetuliferusen, melon - 48285890 Il kiwano, detto anche melone cornuto, è un frutto parente delle zucchine: ecco coltivazione, caratteristiche nutrizionali e come consumarlo.

Svenskt artnamn Kiwano Vetenskapligt artnamn Cucumis metuliferus. Utforska mer: NA Naturvård. 5Fyndkarta.

Kivano är en av de vackra utomeuropeiska frukterna. Det kallas också afrikansk horned gurka eller horned melon. Denna gula stiliga man med söta horn har 

Similar to most  Also known as the African horned cucumber, jelly melon, horned melon, hedged gourd, and English tomato, the ornamental fruit used to grow only in New Zealand  Feb 24, 2017 What is kiwano melon? A fruit, also known as a horned melon and African horned cucumber; it originated in Africa, but is becoming popular  Feb 15, 2020 Kiwano Melon. Also called the Horned Melon.

Kiwano melon

1 Hur man odlar Kiwano; 2 Att ta hand om gelémeloner; 3 Video: Kiwano – African Horned Melon. Growing \u0026 Tasting. Kiwano Horned Fruit: Odlingstips 

Kiwano melon

It has a horn-like appearance that tastes similar to that of passion fruit. kiwano fruit is very juicy and sweet and sour in taste. 2020-10-22 · Also known as jelly melon, Kiwano horned fruit ( Cucumis metuliferus) is an odd-looking, exotic fruit with a spiky, yellow-orange rind and jelly-like, lime-green flesh. Some people think the flavor is similar to a banana, while others compare it to lime, kiwi or cucumber. 1 Kiwano Melon Also known as the 'horned melon' because of it's spiky rind, this fruit is exotic in appearance, taste and texture. Before it’s ripened, this fruit has a dark green rind but turns to a creamy orange as it ripens.

Kiwano melon

Kiwano melon boasts an array of vitamins and minerals, many of which play 2. Provides Several Potent Antioxidants. Kiwano melon is not only nutritious but also offers several potent Se hela listan på Kiwano is a traditional food plant in Africa.
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Söktermen Horned melon har ett resultat. Hoppa till. EN, Engelska, SV, Svenska.

It's a member of the cucumber family.
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It grows much like pumpkins or watermelons. Plants can produce up to 100 fruits on a single vine. The leaves and stems are hairy. Provide support for the tendrils  

Cucumis metuliferus, commonly called the horned melon, spiked melon, jelly melon, or kiwano, is an annual vine in the cucumber and melon family, Cucurbitaceae. Its fruit has horn -like spines, hence the name "horned melon". Pest and Diseases It was found that kiwano is resistant to several root-knot nematodes, two accessions were found to be highly resistant to water melon mosaic virus (WMV-1), but very sensitive to the squash mosaic virus (SqMV). Some accessions were found to succumb to Fusarium wilt.